Passaic County, NJ

Passaic County, NJ is home to a wide variety of animals, many of which are well-suited to live in both rural and urban areas. Rats, mice, squirrels, bats, birds, and raccoons are some of the most common pests in Passaic County, and they can be very prolific. Since these pests can find their way into virtually any home, place of business, or other building, it is important to be prepared to have them removed as soon as possible. New Jersey Wildlife & Pest Control is one of the biggest pest control companies in Passaic County, and we have spent years helping out our clients with all pest-related problems they may have. Continue reading to learn more about our services. 


Pests can find their way into virtually any home, and the type of pest that makes its way in could be anything from an insect to a raccoon. Luckily, New Jersey Wildlife & Pest Control experts have years of experience in dealing with pest control issues of all shapes and sizes. Our experts use a patented pest removal technology that is entirely humane and provides for an easy, effective way to get and keep nuisance animals out of your house. Removing these critters is very important, as they can cause long-term damage to your home and belongings, and they can spread a variety of diseases to you and your family. New Jersey Wildlife & Pest Control excels at providing high-quality removal services for all kinds of pests at the lowest possible prices.

Damage Repair and Exclusion

When pests cause damage in your home, regardless of what it is, it is important to get the damage repaired as soon as possible. Damage in homes from pests can be chewed wires, chewed lumber and drywall, and torn-up insulation. This can lead to, respectively, fire risks, structural weakening, and decreased energy efficiency, all of which can eventually cost you a lot of money and time. In addition to repairing damage, excluding pests is very important, as this will prevent more from coming back into your home. New Jersey Wildlife & Pest Control provides damage repair and exclusion services for residents of Passaic County, and we are proud of our experts’ abilities to serve you as well as possible.

Cleanup and Sanitation

Cleaning and sanitizing after a pest infestation is very important. When animals carrying all kinds of diseases make their way into your home, it can be a very dangerous situation for you, your family, and even your pets. Having your home cleaned and sanitized by a professional pest removal service is the best way to ensure the health of you and your family. New Jersey Wildlife & Pest Control has been providing cleanup and sanitation services for years, helping all of our clients be able to relax in their homes.

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